Monday, July 28, 2008

I flew too close to the sun.....and now my eyes are open and I am scared for my life.

I am not in the business of taking advantage of people. I know I always ask a lot from people, but I never take advantage of other people's kindness. One of the stupidest decisions I've ever made was to put her on the backburner to some fucking idiot at UCSC (aka - "her") a year ago. If you really know me, I guess thats why I still dont speak to her....because I could have had so much better and I settled for less. Still, _______ is letting me live at her place for free this Summer, gives me back rubs when I ache after work, and makes amazing blueberry pancakes.

But no matter what I do, I know she won't forgive me for what I did to her. And thats really what I deserve. It's hard to keep our hands to ourselves, but I could care less.

I learned Jack Johnson songs to play her, and I hate that guy. I even wash her dishes. Coming from me, thats the ultimate sign of love.

*Please note my use of emphasis and diction in that last sentence. Very important.

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