This has to be one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever done in my life.
Its a little past midnight in Santa Cruz, California. I'm bored shitless in my room, so I put on warm clothes, grab a cigarette, and head off to the woods behind the ILC....people have been telling me about a Cat Cemetery somewhere in Upper Campus, and I'm feeling adventurous.
Half an hour later, the moths are gathering around my flashlight like children huddling around a camp fire. I'll be the first to admit that I was never good with directions, but tonight I am just completely off: I must have taken 6 or 7 wrong turns, and now I am starting to get really paranoid.
The plot thickens.
After the 7th or 8th wrong turn, I stumble across a dead deer. After examining closer, I notice that it's rib cage is ripped out through its chest, and it's entrails are mixed across the ground with mud and wet leaves. Its the darkest red imaginable, with blotches of yellow and white chunks decorating on occasion. I see flies, worms, and maggots coming out of the dead deer's jaw, hurrying about as if they were late to work. The remainders of it's family is just a few feet away.
The wind is furious tonight; as he screams his crooked notes from the top of his lungs, trees the size of skyscrapers are taking a knee and bowing their heads. My hands are turning pink. My toes are going numb. And suddenly...
I hear a moan. I hear crying. I hear a car crash on graduation night. I hear the sirens and ambulances speeding past me. I hear the door close and lock, and the sick and frightening things that follow. I hear steel clash with steel, and a single bomb drop from the Enola Gay sometime in 1945. I hear doctors telling them that there is no cure. I hear all the children in the world being told they are going to go to hell when they die. I hear the end of the world crashing down on December 28th, 2007, and the epicenter is in Santa Cruz, California. What are the odds?
I throw my cautions to the wind, but my greatest fears grow wings and take flight before my very eyes. I turn to start running as fast as I can. I cheated Death many times in my life, but Fate pays me back with a vengeance: my flashlight burns out, and I'm forced to throw it behind me. I'm putting all of my faith into the stars and the moon to give me enough light to find my way back to campus, but they are just as unreliable as the flashlight: I've mistaken the stars and the moon for airplanes and satellites, and they are moving in the opposite direction.
I trip on a branch and fall on my knee. I cover my ears, and turn around to see pitch black.
Fast Forward to August 24th, 2008 . 6:27 PM
I wake up from a nap, and I'm sweating all over. My hands are sore from gripping my sheets too tightly. Its that same nightmare. The one that plays in my head, over and over and over and over and over....
I get a glass of water, take an aspirin, and put ice on my right knee.
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