Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I Can Hear My Train Coming....Looks Like Time Is Not On My Side

Just get to the point.

The last few days have been rough. I'm leaving, again, tomorrow to start a new chapter of my life...even though its the same book, a lot of my favorite characters are getting left out. Sometimes I feel really nomadic...this Summer, I've slept in 9 different beds (I actually keep track) and never had the same one for more than a month.

The dentists are telling me to stop grinding my teeth from all my stress. I don't have any gray hairs, but sometimes it feels like I'm wearing silver hairs and my teeth are falling out. This is what Fairfield does to me.

...but I'm moving back to my home right next to the Pacific. I can't help but feel excited, even though she isn't coming. I had a beautiful view of the marina for most of the summer, and I'm trading it in for a college dormitory quad. Bad deal.

Please keep your promise, you know I'm keeping my end of the bargain.

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