Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Michael "The Spike" Osorio Appreciation Day

With the 4th of July coming up and me having a three-day week, I took some time to reflect on the meanings and importance of holidays. After thinking for some time, I realized that almost all holidays have something in common: they are a way to show appreciation and celebrate the greatness of someone or something. We celebrate the 4th of July for the founding of our great nation. We celebrate Memorial Day to remember the courageous men and women who have died while serving our country. We even celebrate father's day to show appreciation for (most of) our dads.

So keeping all of this in mind, wouldn't it be great to CREATE your own holiday? Even though I'm the most amazing person ever, it would be pretty damn pompous of me to create a holiday in honor of myself...thats kind of in the same vein of throwing a birthday party for myself. So since I'm out of the picture, who would be the 2nd best person to have a holiday in his/her honor?

Michael "The Spike" Osorio.

Before I go any further, let me clarify that the purpose of Michael "The Spike" Osorio Appreciation Day IS NOT to envy Michael "The Spike Osorio". Hell, that chimp doesn't have anything on me except for the fact that he is a A-List member with Express and I'm not (but when I buy my next pair of work slacks I will be. Watch your back, Michael, we are getting our discount coupons on the same day now). I do not envy Michael "The Spike" Osorio, but I appreciate him and want to celebrate the impact he has made on my life.

Many of you reading this may not even know what Michael "The Spike" Osorio looks like. Coincidently, many of you may have seen him before sometime in your life. Believe it or not, Michael "The Spike" Osorio actually modeled for a magazine when he was younger: . If that does not ring a bell, Michael "The Spike" Osorio tried making a comeback in his modeling career a few years later in this famous magazine cover:

I feel bad for a lot of people in America today. Not necessarily because of the high unemployment rates and limited access to healthcare, but because not enough people have really experienced Michael "The Spike" Osorio. Describing Michael "The Spike" Osorio's greatness in words is literally impossible, so I will not even attempt it. Here are some interesting fun facts about Michael:

-Michael has two superpowers: throwing tantrums and camoflauge (at night only).
-Michael is the only person in the world to be straight edge and drink. Ian MacKaye is amazed.
-The last time Michael went for a physical, the doctor determined that Michael has no heart. Essentially, he is heartless.
-He is known in some social circles as "Cinnamon Skin". Ask him why.
-Michael was voted as the #3 cutest vegan in the world. Technically, Michael should have been disqualified because Michael is a vegetarian now. PETA wants their award back.

In honor of such an amazing human being, I proclaim July 1st to be Michael "The Spike" Osorio Appreciation Day. To properly celebrate Michael "The Spike" Osorio appreciation day, you need to draw random ass tattoos all over your right arm. The more random and nonsensical your drawn-on tattoos are, the more Michael "The Spike" Osorio Appreciation Day spirit you fire up your BBQs and throw some soyrizo on the grill, tomorrow we are making history.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Life-Like-Saccharine , Pt. I

I'm sitting in my room at the Embassy Suites in Downey and can't help but feel jealous. The lobby is littered with tourists and families on vacation, while I'm decked out in a dress shirt and slacks. I just got back from an audit and I'm sure most of these people just came back from the mall or from the beach. Fuck, I envy you guys.

The 9-5 life isn't really what its cracked out to be. Repetition becomes repetitive and life becomes one gigantic ebb and flow of waking up, working, and sleeping. Even though the business trips are really cool and I love the daily problem solving bullshit I have to go through, I really miss my undergraduate college years already and its only been a year.

Life is an inevitability and I'm really glad I kicked off my career literally the second I graduated college (a lot of the other 'new' auditors I work with are in their 30's...) but at the same time I feel like I'm robbing myself of something I really can't put a finger on...

My diets going a lot better than my last diet. I fell into a lot of...pitfalls...during my last diet, culminating in eggplant parmigiana at The Olive Garden that put my diet 6 feet under ground. This time around, I think I'm a little more committed now that I don't have Fraternity stuff looming over me. I have to buy a new brown belt for work because ::drum roll:: IT DOESN'T FIT ANYMORE! Not only is the weight loss a plus, but I definitely have a lot more energy because I am eating healthy and working out.

Since I pretty much lost all of my creativity lately, my next few posts are probably just gonna be journal entries on my diet. I apologize in advance....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


My well of creativity has gone dry. I blame it on the daily ebb and flow of work and not having any time for myself.

So in place of my writing, here's a quote that captures me as a person at the time of this writing, especially in regards to my crazy diet, preparing for CPA exams, thinking of going to graduate school, deciding whether or not to stay with my department, and most of all my own personal happiness:

"Telling us to obey instinct is like telling us to obey 'people.' People say different things: so do instincts. Our instincts are at war... Each instinct, if you listen to it, will claim to be gratified at the expense of the rest."

-C.S. Lewis